ClickCease Sustainable Packaging: Eco-friendly Ding Dong Choices Skip to content


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Our Packaging

Dim Sum - Packaging
At DingDongDimSum, we believe in providing delicious dim sum and equally prioritize our environmental responsibilities. Below, we've provided a comprehensive breakdown of how each component of our packaging can be sustainably disposed of:
Steamer basket, lid and stabilizer: biodegradable, can go in the normal or compost bin
Dim sum box: recyclable, put in the recycling bin
Dip pots the plastic is recyclable so wash and stick in your recycling bin.
Greaseproof paper biodegradable, wipe it down and it can go in the normal bin
Wool insulation: polythene liner is recyclable, wool is 100% biodegradable. Stick it in your garden, the nitrogen it releases when it breaks down is great for your plants!
Dry ice: the plastic wrapper is recyclable
Outside cardboard box recyclable, put in the recycling bin
Any other questions, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer them.