Christmas Ding Dong Feast - Ding Dong Dim Sum
Ding Dong Merrily On High!! ‘This is the season for eating, drinking, and just being merry.
Picture this: the tree is up, the table is laid, and you’ve got the beers, fizz, and cocktails on ice. What are you serving for food?
Whether it’s your Christmas Film Night, Date Night, Brunch with the Girls, Someone’s Birthday (because birthdays at Christmas matter too), or any other reason you’ve got people coming over for New Year's Eve, we’ve come up with a superbly colourful feast that will satisfy even the hungriest of dumplings.

Serve up an array of individual dim sum dishes that will brighten up the table and give you added snuggly-ness inside when you’re eating. We’ve chosen Ding Dong Celebrations and Ding Dong Favourites for this feast, but you can pick any two boxes you like.
If you’re a frequent flyer with Ding Dong Dim Sum, you may already have your steamer, if not, make sure to add one! Finally, we’ve added some perfect Daily Dumplings. The beauty of this pouch is that it doesn’t just serve as a meal for two, it doubles up as dumplings and a side of noodles!
To make this Christmas Feast for 6 people, you’ll need:
2 x Daily Dumpling pouches of your choice
1x Festive Beef, Soy and Ginger dumplings or Spicy Chicken Crystal dumplings
1x Ding Dong Favourites (or box of choice)
1x Ding Dong Celebrations (or box of choice)
Instructions (sort of):
1.) Set your oven to low, around 120 degrees C - just to keep the food warm.
2.) Take out the noodles from the Daily Dumplings Pouches and pop them into a pan with some boiling water. Put the dumplings into the steamer with everything else you’re steaming.
3.) Steam all your dumplings, buns and gyoza, following our instructions. This may take some coordination and planning, but we recommend getting your Gyoza in first so you can fry them all off.
4.) Cook the noodles according to the instructions, add the veg, and then simmer the noodles in the broth before serving.
5.) Pick lots of pretty bowls to serve everything in and then get stuck in with chopsticks, forks, or fingers.
And that’s it! That’s all there is to it.* All that’s left to say is:
Enjoy, Happy Christmas and Much Love. X
*Or just buy a Dinner Party Kit for 6!